Two soldiers, an American and an Afghan, were killed and two U.S. service members were wounded in a roadside bomb attack Wednesday in eastern Afghanistan, a U.S. military spokesman said.
Another U.S. service member was killed and four were injured when their armored vehicle overturned in an accident in the southern province of Kandahar, a military statement said. The accident was not caused by hostile activity, the statement said.
A Taliban spokesman asserted responsibility for the attack that killed the American and the Afghan in Konar province, which borders Pakistan.
More than 50 U.S. soldiers have been killed in combat in Afghanistan this year, the most deadly period for U.S. forces since the overthrow of the Taliban militia in 2001.
The Bush administration announced this month that it planned to cut U.S. troop strength in Afghanistan to about 16,500 from 19,000 by next spring.
Reducing troops in Afghanistan? Have we completed the mission in Afghanistan? It would seem practical to me to increase our troop level there until we completed what we sat out to do well over 4 years ago and to do otherwise shows an obvious weakness from the Bush administration.
We should have 'accomplished the mission' on the real war on terror instead of making one up in Iraq where it wasn't needed. Why the 'sheep' don't get that is truly astounding to me.