Moussaoui Trial Will Examine If 9/11 Could Have Been Prevented Prosecutors Say Al Qaeda Member Withheld Information That May Have Alerted Government of Attacks "On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, while the world watched the horror of jetliners smashing into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, Zacarias Moussaoui sat in a jail cell -- possibly withholding information which could have averted the attacks. Moussaoui -- the only person charged in the United States for having direct knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks -- goes before a jury Monday in a federal courtroom in Alexandria, Va., to determine whether he knowingly lied or covered up knowledge of the attacks. If they find him guilty, the jury will then decide if he should be executed or face life in prison. The government's prosecution will focus on whether the attacks could have been prevented had Moussaoui told FBI agents about al Qaeda's plans.Zacarias Moussaoui, known as the '20th hijacker' and arrested in Minnesota one month before 9/11 after an alert employee at a flight school sensed something wasn't right, goes on trial this week in what could end up being an embarrassment to the federal government's failure to act before 9/11. The government wants to convict Moussaoui of 'knowing' about and 'covering up' for the attacks on 9/11. Moussaoui defense is going to try and show the government should have been smart enough to figure that out themselves. After all, this is what the 9/11 Report says; "CIA Director George Tenet was briefed on Moussaoui's arrest on Aug. 23, 2001. "Tenet was ... told that Moussaoui wanted to learn to fly a 747, paid for his training in cash, was interested to learn the doors do not open in flight, and wanted to fly a simulated flight from London to New York," according to the 9/11 report". And, as we all know about that infamous day, August 6, 2001 when George and Condi sat nestled together out at 'Prairie Chapel Ranch' in Crawford, Texas and had their Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) entitled "Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in the U.S.", read to them as they glared into each others eyes. No wonder Condi tesified before the 9/11 Commission that that PDB didn't say anything about attacks within the United States. Nah, the country had no way of knowing 9/11 was going to happen. Zacarias Moussaoui is guilty - get on with the show.