Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I was reading some survey results on Bush's dismal approval rating and found that only 12 states give Bush a positive rating. The 12 aren't really worth mentioning and probably most people know which states they are. You can imagine.
When I looked at those states and compared them to the 38 that have finally 'got' what is really going on in this country, I wondered about IQ levels for states that approve of Bush versus those that are smart enough to have figured it out.
It's amazing. Look at this site and look at the average IQ's for those states that voted for Bush versus those that voted for Kerry. Now, I'm not naive, I know the republicans I associate with, and it's true, they're not terribly smart, but when you see it in black and white, it definitely makes you realize-republicans are just dumber than Democrats...There's absolutely no denying that.
When the top 16 states in average IQ voted for John Kerry and the bottom 26 states voted for Bush, not much else needs to be said. Three out of the four states who currently have the largest margin of approval of the job Bush is doing, Mississippi, Utah and Idaho are numbers 50, 49, and 48, respectively, in average IQ.
The numbers don't lie... Can we get re-vote?
IQ and Politics
The approval ratings

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National Debt

On August 15, 1935, Wiley Post, the first pilot to fly solo around the world, and American humorist Will Rogers were killed when Post's plane crashed on takeoff from a lagoon near Point Barrow, in Alaska.


Dead or Alive