Cheney Authorized Leak Of CIA Report, Libby Says "Moreover, on July 12, 2003, the same day that Libby spoke to both Cooper and Miller, Libby and Cheney traveled aboard Air Force Two for the dedication of a new aircraft carrier in Norfolk, Va. During the flight either to or from Norfolk, Cheney, Libby, and Cathie Martin, then-assistant to the vice president for public affairs, discussed how they might rebut Wilson's charges and discredit him, according to federal court records, and interviews with people with first-hand knowledge of accounts that all three provided to federal investigators. The previously unreported grand jury testimony is significant because only hours after Cheney reportedly instructed Libby to disclose information from the CIA report, Libby divulged to then-New York Times reporter Judith Miller and Time magazine correspondent Matthew Cooper that Plame was a CIA officer, and that she been involved in selecting her husband for the Niger mission".Isn't that interesting? What a coincidence that on the very same day that Scooter told Judith Miller and Matthew Cooper that Valerie Plame was a covert CIA agent, he and Dick Cheney were on Air Force 2 scheming of ways to discredit her husband, Joe Wilson. And, there was a third person in the conversation-a Ms. Cathie Martin. Scooter has given up a whole lot of information on leaks already but Patrick Fitzgerald hasn't been able to get him to implicate Cheney on Plame yet. That's the charge that's going to nail ol' Dick-Head Cheney. Can't Fitzgerald break Ms. Martin? You know damn well Cheney and Libby talked about Plame's role at the CIA on the flight that day and she more than likely was involved in that conversation. Doesn't she realize the book and movie deals she's missing out on? So what if you've already testified, and perjured yourself, Fitzgerald will grant you immunity. Come on, Chatty Cathie, you know Cheney told Scooter to leak Plame's name...Come clean. They could have Renee Zellweger or Hillary Swank play the role of you.... You could be a big star. The National Journal