Monday, February 20, 2006

Even the $500 billion in corporate kickbacks?

Frist: Medicare Will Be Political Plus "Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Sunday the new Medicare prescription drug program will be "a huge plus" for Republicans, despite Democrats' hopes to benefit politically from the program's rocky start".
Bill Frist, who is one of most dishonest and corrupt men in all of Congress, thinks the Republican's Pharmaceutical and Insurance Corporation Kick-Back Program, legislation that the Republicans literally had lobbyists from those industries write, and rip taxpayers off for hundreds of billions, will be a 'political plus' for Republicans. Bill Frist knows very well who got the 'plus'. In fact, Frist's family's business will probably reap untold millions from the Republican prescription drug scam. It will only be a 'political plus' for Republicans if the people remain ignorant and allow them to get away with it. Below here is a nice description of how and why the Republicans crammed that prescription drug bill down our throats back in 2003. An informed public would not vote for Republicans. People in this country really need to get their heads out of their asses!
"In June 2004, the consumer interest group Public Citizen reported that "to help push through Medicare prescription drug legislation that will safeguard their bottom lines at the expense of America's taxpayers, the pharmaceutical industry, HMOs and related interests spent nearly $141 million on Washington lobbying in 2003." The data revealed that the pharmaceutical industry spent $108.6 million on federal lobbying activities while managed care companies spent $32.3 million. In addition, a total of 824 individual lobbyists were employed by the former and 222 by the latter. The influence peddling documented by Public Citizen's researchers was not confined to lobbying. Both industries also gave generous campaign contributions to candidates. The group found that 21 drug industry and HMO executives or lobbyists ranked among Bush's "Pioneers" and "Rangers" -- honorary titles for those who have raised at least $100,000 or $200,000, respectively, for one of Bush's presidential campaigns. "They paid a disproportionate share of their campaign contributions to the Republicans, and basically they got a good return on their investment is what it looks like,"
Pass the lube, suckers!
$Loading... = the National Debt

On August 15, 1935, Wiley Post, the first pilot to fly solo around the world, and American humorist Will Rogers were killed when Post's plane crashed on takeoff from a lagoon near Point Barrow, in Alaska.


Dead or Alive