"The success of the Arab-League orchestrated ''Reconciliation Conference'' in Cairo underlines the shortcomings of the Bush administration's unilateral, guns-and-puppets strategy in Iraq and creates an opening for a negotiated solution among the main Iraqi factions. In addition to more than 100 Shiites, Sunni and Kurdish participants, the Cairo conference was attended by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, Syria and Iran. But there were no U.S. officials. The gathering was strongly supported not only by the Arab League but also by the United Nations, European Union and the Organization of the Islamic Conference. According to press reports, the conference produced a clear Iraqi statement calling for withdrawal of occupation forces. With a full-fledged peace conference scheduled for February, it is time for Washington to end its foot-dragging and get squarely behind the peace process started at Cairo -- and specifically the initiative for troop withdrawal from Iraq".I'd say.., we'll start packing tomorrow...
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Iraqis Asking for a Timetable for Withdrawal
"If those who describe themselves as Iraqi resistance want to contact me, they are welcome . . . I am committed to listen to them, even those who are criminals."
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National Debt

On August 15, 1935, Wiley Post, the first pilot to fly solo around the world, and American humorist Will Rogers were killed when Post's plane crashed on takeoff from a lagoon near Point Barrow, in Alaska.


Dead or Alive