Al Franken teaches Antonin Scalia a little about American Constitutional History
Al Franken attended a talk given by Antonin Scalia last week where everything said was 'off the record'. But, there was a 'cocktail' gathering afterward that was 'on the record' so Al Franken approached Scalia and asked him about his contradiction of calling himself a 'constructionist' and an 'originalist' while being against a woman's right to choose an abortion. Scalia angrily pointed his finger at Franken and said 'You're wrong'!
No, Antonin, you're wrong! The founding fathers had absolutely no problem with women having abortions and couldn't have cared less what women did their own bodies, which is exactly the view of those of us who are 'pro-choice'.
Making abortion illegal was not even talked about in this country until
1821, 34 years after the writing of our constitution. The founding fathers were pro-choice! They thought abortion was a non-issue not worthy of even mentioning.
So, the next time someone tells you they're an 'originalist' or a 'constructionist' and that they follow the constitution
and they're anti-choice, tell them they're full of shit because if you are truly following what those who wrote the constitution said, you can only be pro-choice.
Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, two justices who claim to be something they're not, will now have to change their stance on abortion to remain true to the U.S. Constitution.
And, don't you find it a bit alarming that Al Franken had to tell Antonin Scalia that he's been wrong all these years about our constitution?
Listen to Al Franken-and learn.
Teaching Republicans and social conservatives how wrong they are!