Q&A: Laura Bush On Camp David
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24, 2005
Q: Mrs. Bush, thank you, always, so very much for agreeing to do this. As you know,
my story is about the forthcoming 100th visit by the President to Camp David. Were you surprised that you have been there that often?
MRS. BUSH: Well, I guess not, I mean,
I don't think of it as that often. But we go
several times a year at least. But we love to go there.... It's a great place to
go on the weekends.....
'several' -
"a number more than two or three but not many" - vs. '100th visit' in 5 years" or, once every 2 1/2 weeks}
Add those 100 trips to Camp David to the 50 trips to Crawford
(and 350+ days, 20% of his presidency in Crawford) and it's plain to see that the Bush's are simple slackers.