Thursday, January 19, 2006

They didn't get the memo

Obviously USAid didn't get the memo the Bush administration sent out. You know, the one to Fox News and the rest of the sheep who are constantly whining about not getting all the 'happy news' that's not being reported in Iraq? Read the report sheep and grow a pair!
Official US agency paints dire picture of 'out-of-control' Iraq · Analysis issued by USAid in reconstruction effort · Account belies picture painted by White House An official assessment drawn up by the US foreign aid agency depicts the security situation in Iraq as dire, amounting to a "social breakdown" in which criminals have "almost free rein". The "conflict assessment" is an attachment to an invitation to contractors to bid on a project rehabilitating Iraqi cities published earlier this month by the US Agency for International Development (USAid). The picture it paints is not only darker than the optimistic accounts from the White House and the Pentagon, it also gives a more complex profile of the insurgency than the straightforward "rejectionists, Saddamists and terrorists" described by George Bush.
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On August 15, 1935, Wiley Post, the first pilot to fly solo around the world, and American humorist Will Rogers were killed when Post's plane crashed on takeoff from a lagoon near Point Barrow, in Alaska.


Dead or Alive