Do you want leaders of this country to be those who have the foresight to lead or do you want to continue having Bush and Republicans who are nothing but reactionaries who have been proven to be unworthy of leadership?
Those of us who have been right all along about Iraq stated right from the start that the Shia and Sunni would not allow 'democracy' in their country. But, Republicans and the sheep who followed were too dumb to listen and now we will see happen what we warned you about; Civil war in Iraq.
Two months before the 2004 election the CIA warned us that Iraq 'could dissolve into civil war over the next 18 months' and Scott McClellan said the report was from 'pessimists and naysayers' and Bush called it a 'guess'. Well, guess what? Bush and his 'beaten dog' McClellan were wrong again.
I said before we needlessly invaded Iraq that this would happen and many Democrats have said it all along. Below are some quotes of what many of the Democrats warned us about and further proves that Republicans have no business being in leadership positions in this country;
October 2002
Sen. Joseph Biden (D-DE): I have not been very enamored with the way half this administration has gone about this effort without thoroughly going into what happens the day after Saddam is down. …
The president said that, “What could be worse than Saddam?” Well, what could be worse than Saddam would be a major civil war in the region. [CNN Larry King Live, 10/9/02]
Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV):
What plans do we have to prevent Iraq from breaking up and descending into civil war? [Congressional Record, S10006-10007, 10/7/02]
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD):
The end of Saddam Hussein could mean the start of a civil war. [Congressional Record, S10078, 10/8/02]
February 2004
[Rep. Ike] Skelton also expressed concern about the Bush administration’s plans to turn "sovereignty" of Iraq over to interim Iraqi authorities July 1.
He warned of the possibility of Iraq falling into civil war if U.S. troops create a vacuum by scaling back too swiftly. [Marine Corps Times, 2/16/04]
April 2004
Joseph Biden, …
“We’re going to end up with worst of all worlds,” he said. “We’re going to end up with a civil war in Iraq if in fact we decide we can turn this over, including the bulk of the security, to the Iraqis between now and then.” [AFP, 4/5/04]
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI):
If we restore sovereignty to an entity created by the United States that doesn’t have the support of the Iraqi people and the international community then there could be even greater violence against our forces, including the possibility of civil war. [CNN, 4/10/04]
The 35% who still support this administration need to get their heads out of their asses and wake up. We need a massive overhaul of leadership in this country and it's way past time for the Republicans to be put back where they belong. In the minority. Our country depends on it!
Think Progress