Friday, February 17, 2006

I'd like to show you another example

Fox News' Sean Hannity is quite a despicable human being and that's certainly nothing new to anyone who has a shred of personal integrity. But the stunt he pulled last night (Thursday) on Hannity & Colmes is definitely a classic example of how biased he and Fox News truly are. They had a segment on the 'Saddam tapes' that were released by ABC News yesterday and they had as guests two right wingnuts, Gen. Paul Vallely and a 'former weapons inspector', Bill Tierney. Let me show you the exact quote Hannity read from a transcript of the tapes. This is Saddam Hussein translated;
"Terrorism is coming. I told the Americans a long time before Aug. 2nd and told the British as well ... that in the future there will be terrorism with weapons of mass destruction." "In the future, what would prevent a booby trapped car causing a nuclear explosion in Washington or a germ or a chemical one?"
Now here's what the transcript states Hussein actually said;
"Terrorism is coming. I told the Americans a long time before Aug. 2nd and told the British as well ... that in the future there will be terrorism with weapons of mass destruction." "In the future, what would prevent a booby trapped car causing a nuclear explosion in Washington or a germ or a chemical one?" "This is coming, this story is coming but not from Iraq."
Do you think leaving out the last sentence of that segment of the tape transcript is ethical news reporting? If you do, you're even a bigger Bush Butt-Boy than Sean Hannity. A couple of million sheep watch Fox News every night and they are without a doubt the dumbest and most misinformed people in the country. And now you know why.
$Loading... = the National Debt

On August 15, 1935, Wiley Post, the first pilot to fly solo around the world, and American humorist Will Rogers were killed when Post's plane crashed on takeoff from a lagoon near Point Barrow, in Alaska.


Dead or Alive