Friday, November 04, 2005

House Republicans 'Vote to Cover-up' for Bush Administration

George..don't worry, they ain't investigating nothing... ...that's my boy, Denny... The Republicans in the House once again chose party politics over an investigation seeking the facts into why we needlessly invaded Iraq. Republicans voted UNANIMOUSLY to cover-up for this administration in a shameless display of partisanship over their required role of governmental oversight. This is not going to go away regardless of how long Republicans stall. Fifty-eight percent of the country now realize this administration is dishonest and misled the country on their foolish invasion of Iraq. .....It's not going to go away. WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 "House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi introduced a privileged resolution to demand that Republican Congressional leadership conduct a thorough investigation of abuses relating to the Iraq War. The resolution failed by a party line vote, 220 to 191, when Republicans unanimously moved to table, or effectively kill, the resolution. "A vote to table is a vote to cover-up," Pelosi said. "Congress has the responsibility to find out why so many things in Iraq have gone so terribly wrong. That is why I asked the House to investigate abuses relating to Iraq. Yet, Republicans again thwarted efforts to answer the questions of the American people. This Republican cover-up Congress refuses to live up to its oversight responsibility." "Congress has an obligation to identify and correct the problems that led to the production of flawed intelligence," Pelosi said. "Our troops are at risk until that is done, and yet, there is no sense of urgency to undertake a thorough review of what went wrong. Neither the issue of the quality of the intelligence nor the equally important issue of whether intelligence was politicized, have been investigated by this Congress." text of Pelosi's privileged resolution-usnewswire
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On August 15, 1935, Wiley Post, the first pilot to fly solo around the world, and American humorist Will Rogers were killed when Post's plane crashed on takeoff from a lagoon near Point Barrow, in Alaska.


Dead or Alive