Monday, November 14, 2005

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..................Hillary Clinton, po box 41, Suckup Avenue... Sen. Clinton: I support West Bank fence, PA must fight terrorism "U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton said Sunday that she supports the separation fence Israel is building along the edges of the West Bank, and that the onus is on the Palestinian Authority to fight terrorism. Hillary Clinton touted Sharon's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in September as "courageous" and said the Israeli leader needs a "reliable partner" on the Palestinian side to further the positive momentum created by the pullout. "That was an incredibly difficult position for him to take, and it caused great distress within the Israeli society," Clinton said. "But he did it as a means of demonstrating that he is committed to trying to get back into a process"."
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On August 15, 1935, Wiley Post, the first pilot to fly solo around the world, and American humorist Will Rogers were killed when Post's plane crashed on takeoff from a lagoon near Point Barrow, in Alaska.


Dead or Alive