Thursday, November 03, 2005

Stephen Hadley-From Bad To Bad

I heard on the news last night that Bush was starting to 'distance' himself from Dick Cheney and relying more on people like 'Condoleeza Rice and Stephen Hadley'. Stephen Hadley? Come on, is the talent pool of cronies that deeply drained? Hadley is up to his neck in this scandal and 'Think Progress' is hammering his ass! Hadley’s Non-Denial Denial on Forged Documents "The forged documents that the administration used to bolster the claim that Iraq was seeking uranium from Niger originated from Italian intelligence sources. Specifically, it was being peddled by Nicolo Pollari, chief of Italy’s military intelligence service. It was recently revealed by an Italian newspaper that on September 9 2002, National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley had a secret meeting with Pollari. People are now asking what they talked about. Hadley says he has “no recollection” of Iraq’s nuclear ambitions being discussed or of any documents being passed. It sure sounds like a denial, but it doesn’t mean much. Hadley was asked about it during a press conference today and he claims he has almost no recollection of anything that happened during the meeting with Polari: QUESTION: Can you say what you did discuss with Mr. Pollari? HADLEY: I told you, I have very little recollection of the meeting. And it was in the order of a courtesy call, getting to know a person who was going to be a colleague going forward. And you can tell that from the relative briefness of the meeting. Just an innocent, “getting-to-know-you,” meeting with the guy who had been relentlessly pushing forged documents about Iraq’s nuclear ambitions for months. We’ve posted the all relevant excerpts from today’s press briefing with Hadley here". Think Progress
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On August 15, 1935, Wiley Post, the first pilot to fly solo around the world, and American humorist Will Rogers were killed when Post's plane crashed on takeoff from a lagoon near Point Barrow, in Alaska.


Dead or Alive