Wednesday, November 09, 2005

War atrocities, or not?

A very interesting video at OpEdNews on some strange ordnance being used by our soldiers who are now being accused of using 'chemical' weapons in Fallujah. There are a lot of unanswered questions about the accuser, former U.S. GI, Jimmy Massey, but the video does raise some questions of it's own. US Used Chemical WMD in Fallujah-- video; US GI witness being swiftboated. by Rob Kall
Italian state TV reported this morning that the US used chemical weapons-- white phosphorous, which melts human flesh to the bones "I saw the burned bodies of women and children. The phosphorous explodes and forms a plume. Whoever is within a 150 metre radius has no hope," one former US GI, Jimmy Massey reports. The Italian Documentary reported, on Tuesday, November 8th, that white phosphorous is supposed to be used "to illuminate enemy emplacements" purposes, to light up the sky. This documentary claims the shells were fired indiscriminately and the documentary claims to show images of Americans strafing the city with phosphorous. Mohamad Tareq, a biologist who was in Fallujah, reported in the film, "A rain of fire fell on the city, the people struck by this multicolored substance started to burn. We found people dead with strange wounds, the bodies burned but the clothes intact." The film also reveals the use of a new kind of Napalm, called MK77, reporting that "The use of these incendiary substances on civilians is prohibited from the conventions of the UN since 1980." In the US, Massey, author of a book published in France, Kill, Kill, Kill is being Swift-boated by "fellow GIs and the mainstream media are reporting that he has never actually witnessed what he's reported. The US military has denied the accusations as "disinformation.
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On August 15, 1935, Wiley Post, the first pilot to fly solo around the world, and American humorist Will Rogers were killed when Post's plane crashed on takeoff from a lagoon near Point Barrow, in Alaska.


Dead or Alive