Our young men and women can join the
Marines and/or the
Army as soon as they finish high school.
Barely 'babes' most of them. They come from all walks of life here in America. Some from farms that are in the most rural of areas of our country and some from low-income high rises from our largest metropolitan areas. Most of them are 18 to 20 years old and a lot of them have never been far from home.
But, the Army and the Marines can train these young men and women to be the most proficient soldiers the world has ever seen in a short 12 weeks of 'boot camp'.
At least we're told they're 'ready'. We send them directly to fight, and sometimes die, in Iraq after 12 weeks of 'boot camp'.
Yep, train them quick and get them over there.
I guess my question would obviously be (and I wonder why you haven't asked yourself the same), is how can we train our young men and women to fight, and sometimes die, in 12 short weeks, but the goddamn Iraqis can't learn to fight in 32 months?
Wake up, dumbasses! Get your head out of asses and our soldiers and Marines the hell out of Iraq!
And oh, by the way...The two links above - "Army and Marines"...If you feel Iraqi chickenshits are worth dying for and you're still under the age of 39, sign up. You can do it right there in the comfort of your home. Send them an email. They'll get in touch with you real soon. It's time to get your fatasses off the couch...And put the pompoms away. Shut up or put up.
Or, start being a true patriot... And call for the immediate withdrawal of our soldiers and Marines who are dying for an unworthy cause.