"But virtually every Democrat in Congress opposes the budget bill because of its cuts in popular social programs, so Republican leaders in the House don't have that critical support from across the aisle to carry the vote on Alaska drilling.
The impasse threatens plans to deliver to its GOP political base by Christmas about $45 billion in spending cuts over the next five years. The base is uneasy with its party's performance on spending and budget deficits. Passage of the budget bill is also an important step before Congress can extend expiring tax cuts".

Republicans want to drill in ANWR and the Democrats refuse to cut $45 billion (over 5 years-a paltry $9 billion per year) from Medicaid, Medicare, Food Stamps and Student Loans. Nine billion a year? Chickenfeed..Not a problem - But, I'll get to that in a moment. Let's take care of the majority, the Republicans, needs first.
Drill in ANWR? Hell yes! It's got to be a great deal for American taxpayers and consumers and it shouldn't cost us a dime to do it. In fact, we should make a lot of money from the 'Big Oil' companies because it is after all, on federal land. And we'll write the contracts up so that if 'Big Oil' earns $20 billion a quarter, the taxpayers will get half. Partners...50/50...Your equipment and labor... Our land and natural resource. So yeah, let's drill at ANWR, and reduce our taxes and gasoline costs for a few short years.
Ok, so that's the Democrats' compromise to Republicans. Start drilling. Look out caribou...Let's make some royalties.
Now for the compromise on the spending cuts Republicans are demanding. Forty-Five billion over five years? A measly $9 billion a year? The Democrats can do a lot better than that over the next projected five year period. Matter of fact, they could cut spending $6 billion a MONTH real quick and if you multiply that by five years, that's a spending cut of $360 billion! Eight times the paltry $45 billion the Republicans are asking for now!! Eight times!
And with so much more in spending cuts than what was asked for we could certainly restore the $45 billion Republicans are now trying to cut from the poor and the elderly, throw in an additional $15 billion for the hungry, and we would still have $300 billion in spending cuts!! Republicans 'compromise' and don't cut social programs and Democrats are happy.
Shoot...I'm a goddamn political genius! I'm utilizing natural resources (meat & energy), creating jobs, feeding the poor and elderly and pleasing the compassionate, God-fearing Republicans, all at the same time!
And hell, you
know how we're going to save that $6 billion a month, don't you? Yeah, all that savings, all that compromising,...all that caribou meat, and no more men and women dying where they don't need to be dying...Everyone's going to be happier than pigs in shit!
Damn, I feel like running for the Drain Commission next year!