"I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat" - Will Rogers
Monday, October 03, 2005
THE DIRTY DOZEN...Two words sum up Bush's presidency-Miserable Failure. Never has a president been left so much and turned it into so littleThe King of Cronyism-His multi-millions in personal wealth can be directly linked to the US TreasuryMost powerful and most corrupt man in Congress. His current indictment is nothing compared to his many other crimes while House majority leaderThe 11 year 'conflict of interest'. Has made $10's of millions personally by directing legislation in the Senate his corporation's wayRepublican admired 'Book of Virtues' guy who doesn't have anyThe 'straw man' behind the corruption-Talks 'family values' but can't explain how Jeff Gannon had his spare key to the Lincoln Bedroom
Dick Cheney's bulldog. Could eventually make the perfect stoolie in convictions of Bush & CheneyBob Ney-Ohio Congressman - directly linked to Jack Abramoff and Tom Delay and could be implicated in the conspiracy to murder Gus BoulisAuthor of children's books who was caught 'red-handed' in performing phone sex harrassment of an employee while his wife and children were in the next room
Three-time married, three time divorced poster boy for what are the true 'family values' of the hypocritical right wing in this country. Faked a back injury when caught strung out on hillbilly heroin all the while he called for tougher drug penalties for othersRalph Reed-Another Republican religious hypocrite that will soon be going to jail with Jack Abramoff, Tom Delay, Bob Ney and others on Indian casino scandalGrover Norquist-Long-time Republican criminal who will soon be joining Reed, Abramoff, Delay, Ney and others in federal prison-directly involved in bilking native Americans out of millions in casino scandal
On August 15, 1935, Wiley Post, the first pilot to fly solo around the world, and AmericanhumoristWill Rogers were killed when Post's plane crashed on takeoff from a lagoon near Point Barrow, in Alaska.