Sunday, October 09, 2005


Later, relations got so bad that President Clinton reportedly began referring to Freeh as "that Freeh." So Louie Freeh is appearing on 60 Minutes tonight hawking his tell-all book on how the 'mulitple' investigations during Bill Clinton's eight years in office kept him "preoccupied"? "We were preoccupied in eight years with multiple investigations," Well Louie, you're right, Bill Clinton was under investigation nearly the entire eight years he was president. In fact, two special prosecutors (mostly one, Ken Starr)with some clandestine help from you and others spent $100 million investigating Whitewater, Travelgate, Paulagate, Gennifergate and Filegate. And after all those failed you looked the other way while Starr, Ted Olson, Richard Mellon-Scaife, Linda Tripp and others played a slick con-game and tricked Clinton into lying in his Paula Jones testimony and BINGO!-you nailed the president! Perjury. That's serious...Lying about having sex with a consenting adult. Was that worth the $100 million? But more importantly, was it worth you and the FBI "preoccupying" all your time on? Could you possibly have done more as director of the FBI with say, terrorism? Was the possibility of Bill Clinton firing bureaucrats in the travel office or whether some one looked at some personnel files illegally, more important than terrorists? Were the Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers complaints of sexual harrassment taken more seriously than the reports of young Arab men taking flying lessons throughout the U.S.? It must have been Louie, because I noticed 'Investigating Bill Clinton' even appears on the cover of your book before "Waging War on Terror'. That's an interesting act of prioritizing there, Louie. Isn't that what your book is really about, Louis? Trying to deflect criticism away from how you and the FBI failed at your job of apprehending terrorists who had penetrated our borders? I mean really, Louie, was Bill Clinton and the White House staff suppose to be tailing terrorists or was that the job of the FBI? You say your relationship with Clinton started out poorly because of 'Whitewater'? Louie, did you ever apologize to Bill Clinton when he was cleared in Whitewater? No, of course not...You hated Bill Clinton and you enjoyed collaborating with his enemies. You do remember he was cleared in the Whitewater fiasco, right Louie? In fact, the country bumpkin actually lost money on that deal. Louie, this quote was attributed to you on the Drudge Report earlier this week in reference to the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky ordeal; "Well, it was like a bad movie and it was ridiculous that; Ken Starr and myself, the director of the FBI, find ourselves in that ridiculous position..." You're absolutely right, Louie...I couldn't agree more. It was 'ridiculous' that so much time, money and effort was spent investigating Bill Clinton for such trivial bullshit. So now you want to spin your story. Deflect attention away from your shortcomings in running the FBI and sell some books. That's ok, we understand. And as for your revelation about Clinton letting the families of the victims of the Khobar Towers down and that he only raised the subject with the Saudis "for a contribution to the Clinton Presidential Library"? How would you know that? Clinton hated you even more than you hated him so why would you, of all people, know that? Did Bill have a fuzzy moment with you or did another of your Clinton-hating collaborators tell you that one? In fact, Clinton's spokeman Jay Carson had this to say about your comments on the Khobar Towers this week; Freeh "wasn't even present for the meetings he describes. President Clinton repeatedly pressed the Saudis for cooperation on the Khobar Towers investigation and his pressure led to the eventual indictments." Indictments? But besides your veiled attempt to deflect the FBI's failures you know what else still eats at you Louis? After all the wasteful time and money spent on investigating Bill Clinton, he left office with the highest approval rating in recorded history. And hell, when you and others tried to impeach him his approval rating sky-rocketed to 73%! Man, you Clinton-haters just can't get over that. Hey Louie, did Bill Clinton fuck up once in awhile? Sure, he did. He hired you, a life long Republican and look how you screwed up the FBI. And he screwed up again when he didn't fire your sorry ass. You should have had other priorities in the eight years you led the FBI and writing a book won't ever change that. Bill Clinton lied...He committed perjury and he got nailed for it. You got a great deal of enjoyment from that, but was it worth $100 million? Forget the money for a moment Louie, was it worth all that time you wasted? Wouldn't the country have been a lot better off if instead of being so 'preoccupied' with Clinton you had kept better track of the terrorists who infiltrated our ranks, Louie? ...I think you know the answer.........and that's why you wrote your book. You had terrible priorities, Mr. "Fucking Freeh"...but changing them now won't do any of us any good...
$Loading... = the National Debt

On August 15, 1935, Wiley Post, the first pilot to fly solo around the world, and American humorist Will Rogers were killed when Post's plane crashed on takeoff from a lagoon near Point Barrow, in Alaska.


Dead or Alive