Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Iraq war now costing $6 billion a month 'The Bush administration is spending about $7 billion a month to wage the war on terror, and costs could total $570 billion by the end of 2010, assuming troops are gradually brought home, a congressional report estimates. The paper by the Congressional Research Service underscores how the price tag has been gradually rising for the war in Iraq. A year ago, the Pentagon was calculating its average monthly costs in that conflict at below $5 billion — an amount the research service says has now grown close to $6 billion'. Six billion a month. $200 MILLION a day, $8,333,333 MILLION per hour, and $139,000 a minute. And for what? Republicans in Congress are going to cut 300,000 poor people off food stamps to save $574 million per year. That's LESS than how much Bush and his fellow Republican criminals are spending EVERY 3 DAYS in Iraq. Helping feed 300,000 people for a year or supporting 3 days of the needless war in Iraq? What should our priorities be in this country? Congress Seeks to Slash Food Aid for Poor 'Republicans in Congress propose to slash food programs for the poor by $574 million and subsidies and conservation programs by $1 billion each, The Associated Press has learned. The $574 million cut in food stamps would come from restricting access to this benefit for certain families that receive other government assistance. The restriction would shut an estimated 300,000 people out of the program'. Some Republicans Favor Reopening Budget Reconciliation To Find Offsets for Hurricane Relief, Including More Cuts for Entitlement Programs Under orders to cut agriculture spending by $3 billion, Republicans in Congress have proposed reducing food programs for the poor by $574 million and conservation programs by $1 billion, The Associated Press has learned. President Bush says he wants Congress to cut billions of dollars in federal spending it has already approved to pay for hurricane relief Republicans in Congress Seek Budget Cuts for Storm Relief Dems Fight Efforts to Cut Food Stamps
$Loading... = the National Debt

On August 15, 1935, Wiley Post, the first pilot to fly solo around the world, and American humorist Will Rogers were killed when Post's plane crashed on takeoff from a lagoon near Point Barrow, in Alaska.


Dead or Alive