Iraq Confidential: The Untold Story of the Intelligence Conspiracy to Undermine the UN and Overthrow Saddam Hussein
by Scott Ritter, with an Introduction by Seymour Hersh
"Let's just lay it on the line. When it came to WMDs and Iraq, Scott Ritter was right and the Busheviks were wrong. But they knew that, and he knew that. Too bad the American people didn't believe Ritter, because tens of thousands of Iraqis and Americans wouldn't be wounded and dead now.
As with anyone who violates the Bushevik code of Omerta, Ritter was targeted by Rove and his squad of enforcers. They attempted to discredit Ritter up, back and over.
Unlike members of the Bush administration, Ritter actually had military experience and a history of inspecting for WMDs in Iraq. He was one of the senior UN weapons inspectors in the '90s, was a Marine, and an adviser to General Schwarzkopf in the first Gulf War. Hey, those are some credentials compared to Vietnam evader Bush and 5-time draft deferred Dick Cheney, not to mention draft dodger Karl Rove.
But the more knowledgeable you personally are about something the Bush Administration is creating lies about, the greater the need for Karl Rove to discredit you.
In this book, "Iraq Confidential," it's
payback time".