"How top Bush advisor Karen Hughes earned $450,000 in speaking fees after being named America's imagemaker-in-chief"
"When Karen Hughes, George Bush's new hearts-and-minds czar, made her debut trip to the Middle East last week, she repeatedly referred to herself as a "working mom." Hughes, who was sworn in on Sept. 9 as the State Department's undersecretary for public diplomacy, visited Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey and used the phrase to showcase her concern for women's empowerment. (She was not entirely successful; despite efforts to marshal friendly audiences, Hughes was peppered with criticism of the Bush administration's intervention in Iraq, support for Israel and treatment of Muslims.)
Hughes did not, however, elaborate on what kind of work she's been doing since leaving Washington three years ago to spend more time with her husband and teenage son in Texas. According to the financial disclosure form Hughes filed in preparation for taking the new job, she earned $1.8 million between January 2004 and March 14, 2005, when Bush named her to the new post. Between her appointment and swearing-in, Hughes took in $450,000".
Hughes earned '$1.8 million between 1/04 and 3/05'? That's a paltry $129,000 per month. I'm sure she was paid for the work she performed and not the influence she peddled. I'm sure...........

Cronyism at it's most purest form...