'the Serpent' slithers to Europe
Condoleeza Rice is going to have her share of difficulties trying to convince the Germans and the rest of the Western Europeans that 'we don't torture'. Not only is she going to have to explain why we kidnapped a German citizen,
Khaled Masri, torturing him for five months before realizing he was the wrong man, but we also have George W. Bush
threatening to veto legislation before our U.S. Senate that 'forbids torture and inhumane or degrading treatment of military detainees'. Legislation that's already passed the Senate on a 90-9 vote.
She, her boss and almost everyone else in the Bush administration have zero credibility with Europeans and are viewed as warmongering, hate-filled fools and Western Europeans will be letting her know that during her visit.
Where do we has a country go to get our reputation back after five years of these disgraceful morons?