Two years ago after the capture of Saddam Hussein, Howard Dean boldly stated, "The capture of Saddam has not made America safer", and the country went ballistic. Not just the loons on the right but all the other Democrat presidential candidates, as well.
Well guess what? Howard Dean was right then and he's right again now when he says,
"We need to be out of there and take the targets off our troops' back." Dean suggested "a strategic redeployment" of US troops over the next two years. I wish the president had paid more attention to the history of Iraq before we had gotten in there," Dean said. "The idea that we're going to win this war is just plain wrong."
Since the capture of Saddam Hussein, and Howard Dean's statement from 12/03, 1,685 young Americans (of the 2,131 total killed to date), have died and over 13,000 have been wounded. (out of the total 15,568). Not to mention, the additional $200+ billion wasted.
Since that quote from Howard Dean, we have learned unequivocally, that Saddam Hussein did NOT have weapons of mass destruction and we have learned without any doubt that Iraq was NOT a threat.
So, who was right two years ago? The same man who is right now. He's got the track record. On the other hand, you who have supported Bush and his unnecessary invasion of Iraq, have been wrong every step of the way so why would anyone listen to you now?
One other thing about what Dean was saying two years ago. He was also one of the first to stand up and state that Bush and his co-conspirators in the administration withheld information from Congress and the American public and he was ridiculed for that, too. Well, that fact as been proven to be true
over, and
over and
over again.
Give the little treasonous punks hell, Howard! They can't handle the truth!