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Wylie Post
"I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat" - Will Rogers . . . . . .
Saturday, March 11, 2006
cartoon editorials
Newer Post
Older Post
= the
National Debt
On August 15, 1935,
Wiley Post
, the first pilot to fly solo around the world, and
Will Rogers
were killed when Post's plane crashed on takeoff from a lagoon near
Point Barrow
, in Alaska.
Dead or Alive
Will Rogers & Wiley Post
The Last Farewell
(Click picture) Mike Wimmer
Blog Archive
Clinton did it....
John McCain-What integrity?
Maryland to fund stem cell research
Josh Bolten-He deserves a promotion
"Downtown Baghdad" is looking pretty peaceful!
Pardon me, Mr. Weinberger
Andy Card
Bush Opposes Jaafari
More evidence
Packing Sand...
Oh I got it, it's an 'uncivil' war
'Pro-Family' all right! 'Pro-His Family'
Let's Hope Ned Lamont Sends Lieberman Packing
Shiite Fighters Clash With G.I.'s
The Facts About Unemployment
One Leads, One Bleeds
Damn, that's a lot of people!
Dixie Chicks' Redemption
DOD News Release(s) 9 Soldiers
Feingold Stands Alone
Hillary's Opponent - Traditional Republican
The 'Media' Not Reporting Correctly on Iraq
Bush's Incompetence Literally Killed Us
Thanks for Nothing, Texans Say
The Cherry Blossom Festival
Abramoff may be subpoenaed in slaying case
Like Mother, Like Sons
You know, about that Abu Ghraib thing...
Fox News-Getting it wrong...Again, and again...
Uncle 'Bucky'
Bush's Middle East "Democracies"~Executing Christians
How the 'Christian' (sic) Right treats people
Double Talk from the Straight Talk Express
Rice Says She Won't Apply for NFL Post
Who are the terrorists again?
Now what do the Sheep have to say?
Iraqi Spy Tried to Warn Us
Hillbilly Heroin Boy
Whiny Kids Grow Up to be Conservatives
"I'd rather they beat up on him than me or Chertoff"
Operation Swarmer Propaganda
Chuck Hagel on Their "Mindless Banter"
What the hell does Allawi know?
I guess we get a pass on the "Nazi" anaolgy
3 Years Into, "the greatest strategic disaster in ...
Entering Year 4 of a "Cakewalk"
House GOP leader-Your Typical GOP Criminal on the ...
Just where do they think they can go?
The Crybabies can run but they can't hide!
Noonan should be able to answer her own question
The Other Cost of Bush's War
And don't forget it
Bush's Incompetent Criminals...
I guess they forgot to ask the people
67% of Americans describe Bush as an "Incompetent ...
DOD News Release(s) 9 Soldiers, 6 Marines
St. Patrick
Hey Suckers, Send Dubya Your $30,000!
More Bush Hypocrisy & Lies
Fox News and their brilliance
Don't Stop with a Censure-Impeach the Bastard!
Democrats Call Republicans' Bluff on Spending
Limbaugh "Likes" News About American's Murder
Saying one thing.......
Calling it like it is-Dubya is Dangerously Incompe...
Killing them to free them
General Pace Corrects the Dummies
I've made my decision
Their hero was a fiscal loser, too
Utilities Taxes-Stuck in the Middle
Can we get that medal back?
Truman would have hung the bastards!
My theory will work-And they know it
There may be hope...
Stick a fork in the bitch, she's done
Their cruelty has to be a genetic defect
Religious Right Pickets Soldier's Funeral
Not taking it anymore!
Chile's New President-We helped murder her father
G.O.P. Peers Hail Maverick Who Opposed Bush on Ports
Getting their money from Enron
What Middle East Allies?
cartoon editorials
Another Bush 'Family Values' Hypocrite
Dixie Chicks Still Right!
"The Butcher of the Balkans" dies
Pentagon spying on civilians
'US not doing enough to stop Iran'
"good decision-maker"
Gale Norton - "I've made enough"
They should watch Fox News
..."Wiped their feet with him"
But, but... what about the appeals...?
Republicans leaning pro-choice & pro-gay rights in...
Straight talk from Boehner on DP World
DOD News Release(s) 13 Soldiers, 2 Marines
John McCain not walking the walk