"I know some would like me to change, but you can't be a good decision-maker if you're trying to please people. You've got to stand on what you believe, that's what you've got to do, if you're going to make decisions that are solid and sound."
- Stand-up Comedian, George W. Bush
practicing his comedy routine during a question-and-answer session with a national newspaper group, on Friday, March 10.
'Solid and Sound' decisions by George;
Invaded Iraq (what else would we spend $500 billion on?)
Turned $200 billion surplus into a $450 billion deficit (that's hard to do)
Borrowed more money than previous 42 Presidents combined (that's harder to do)
Tried to bankrupt social security (Republican math-add by subtracting)
Opposed Patriot Act (before he supported it)
Opposed 9/11 Commission (sat on Unka Dickie's lap in later testimony)
Prescription Drug Kick-Back Program (how's Billy Tauzin's new job coming?)
Leaked the classified identity of a covert CIA agent
Allowed the torture and murder of POWs
Failure in Afghanistan (You know, the tall guy with the beard)
Spying on Americans (Yeah sure, the call came from al-Qaeda)
Terri Schiavo lunacy (what a bunch of intrusive idiots)
Katrina response (Hey, everybody needs a few months of vacation each year)
Harriet Miers (we should be so lucky)
DP Ports (come on, the UAE hasn't supported terrorists in almost three months!)
Yeah, that's being a real good 'decision-maker', Dubya.